Friday, May 7, 2010

Do Not Take Life For Granted.

Life holds one great but quite commonplace mystery. Though shared by each of us and known to all, seldom rates a second thought. That mystery, which most of us take for granted and never think twice about, is time.

It's important to e alive in those moment, especially when you're doing something you love to do.

Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.

The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can't have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I'd rather not be in a cage. I'd rather be dead. And it's real simple. And I think it's not that uncommon. -Angelina Jolie

In the past day a lot of things have made me think about just how much life is valuable, and you are just not exactly sure how long you have to live in this world. I have also realized that something serious, and life changing can happen within a spilt second that can affect you, and many other people all at once. Last night a few friends and I were riding around like the old days in high school just talking and I reached for my phone, and all of the sudden we were flying threw the air in my car, and we crashed into a drainage ditch. No one was hurt badly just a few injuries that can be fixed, but after it happened everything came into reality to me as we were all sitting in the ambulance being checked on. I was surrounded by three people that I cared a lot about, and an action that I did could have caused them to loose their lives, along with mine. I have learned that a little action like picking up at cell phone can cause a dramatic difference. Last night changed a lot for me, and seeing my father act the way he did when I had a wreck also made me realize that I have people that really care about me. I need to learn to appricate them, and life more.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


“You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Stay up till ...Sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..."” -Tom Petty

This quote is something that I tend to go by maybe a little to much. College is one of those experiences that I do not want to forget, or look back on and think that I did not fullfill everything that I wanted to. I am only a sophmore right now, and I have already accomplished many things as in: joining a sorority(& being on exec), being on a sweetheart court for those lovely PIKE boys my freshman year, actually picking a major(EDUCATION) woop woop, and being involved on campus. College is something that I thought that I would not enjoy, and that it would just take me to the other step in my life. As I get closer to graduating it is actually quite scary, and it makes me nervous thinking that I am actually going to be teaching children for a living. Teaching is something that I love and I have always wanted to be a person that makes a difference in someones life, and that is what I tend to do. Teaching just flows naturally to me. Now back to the quote. ha ha. I have had many late nights in college that I would not trade anything for like just last night I was up until 5 a.m. studying, but at the same time it was around people that you are able to have a great time with. I do not regret those nights where I was only able to get two hours of sleep because I went to bed at 5 and had class at 8 just because one of my sisters wanted to sit up and talk. You have to live by the moment in college, and not plan things out. Enjoy the parties that you are invited to, have fun at those date parties & mixers & formals, if someone calls you to hang out and watch a movie at 1 a.m. GO. I choose not to regret anything that I do because everything happens for a reason. I have choose to live my college life to the fullest. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My First Blog.

I am not quite sure how this "blog" thing is going to work out, but I am going to try it. My sisters & I were sitting in the common room tonight watching Glee when J Clay inspired me to start one. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it but oh well here it goes.

Have you ever thought how a day can go from bad to good or from good to just terrible? Well today has definatly been one of those days. It started off nicely except I was supposed to wake up at six, but ended up waking up at seven instead. (We just won't go there.) I went to class, and was completely bored out of my mind, and just thought to myself that I was soooo ready for the sememster to be over. Ha. After class I went back to the dorms at lunch and took a three hour nap. wooo. I then went to get ice cream with one of my favorites Savannah, and we talked about formal that was coming up this weekend that all of us are so excited about!! yayyy!! & then this is where the day went to complete shit & just started to piss me off I found out that one of the people in my life that is actually supposed to be there for me is just making a complete and total idiot out of herself by talking about things that I have not even said. Okay, so you can't find a guy. GET OVER IT. I DON'T CARE. People are getting so fed up with the rudeness of this person, and not to mention that the annoiance that she causes. I quickly got out of the bad mood, and ended up back at the dorms. That is where everything had started to get gradually better because I watched Glee(which is a show that isn't to bad) with a few of my sisters. After the show was over we all sat around and talked about the WONDERFUL things that was going on in our lives, and just spent some need quailty time together. After everyone left J Clay, Ashley, Jordan, and I decided to go to Waffle House and eat yummmm. haha. Tonight was just an all around sister night & I loved it. You never know what happiness a select few people can bring to your life.
